遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA




当我们第一次访问GA时, we were initially impressed by the physical campus and the enthusiasm of the staff. Now our son is about to finish 5th grade, and we love entirely different aspects of the school. 他的老师们确实了解他这个人. They have encouraged his intellectual curiosity while also giving him the support and boundaries that he needs. We also joined an amazing community of parents and staff who have become some of our closest friends. 我们希望每个孩子都能体验到GA这样的学校.”
- - - - - - Drs. Jamie Swanson和Kandan Kulandaviel P'30




A leadership mindset begins with each student having the independence of thought necessary to seek and find the truth in all that he or she reads, 看到, 和听到. 我们教育GA学生要有好奇心, 问问题, 倾听并评价他人的观点. 我们的 教职员工 are the guides and coaches for these explorations of ideas, theories, and processes.


独立思考者成为自信的人. Teachers and staff members hear expressed time and time again by prospective parents how 自信ly GA students comport themselves. 我们的写作,口语,和 表演艺术 课程的目的是给我们所有的学生灌输信心. 校友 visits around the country remind us that the core of 信心 built during GA years holds firm throughout adulthood.


Effective leadership also involves the ability to care about others, to realize that everyone we meet can teach us something valuable and, 反过来, 能从我们身上学到有价值的东西吗. 真正的同情:同理心,使独立思考, 自信 people to recognize that vulnerability is the connecting spirit within us all.


Collaborative action moves a group forward whether a community, 一个团队, 贝尔弗里的作品, 合唱团表演, 或者是一个课程项目. Active "followership" plays a significant role in a meaningful education. Well-educated people have learned when and how to dedicate themselves to the support of the whole.


使命宣言承认缺乏个人荣誉, 好奇的, 自信, 同情ate people will not engender the trust needed to be effective leaders or followers. GA strives to teach students to hold themselves to the highest personal standards. To achieve this goal, adults in our community must be role models of trustworthy behavior. We want the simple act of entering the school each day to inspire each of us to be a better person.



我们的核心使命由21个简单而深刻的词组成, 21 words that will guide our actions and activities each day and every year. Making these 21 words memorable and meaningful involves communicating and living by them at home as well as at school. We ask families for support in this process by discussing these values with their children. 在学校的每个入口和教室都有宣教海报, and discussions about various permutations of these 21 words have already become a part of educational life. Such daily visibility at home and at school will make these 21 words the internal compass that guides our students/your children in their personal and professional lives.

The 任务 Statement also serves as both GA's touchstone for all curricular and programmatic ideas as well as the philosophic structure under which current and future strategic vision statements will be organized and assessed. GA planners will be guided by these 21 words as we evolve our curriculum for a 21st century environment.

That the GA community is grounded in and guided by the same five principles that inspire and direct our students reassures us that vwin德赢娱乐 spaces and programs, 师生, 思想与理想, 虽然不断发展,但仍植根于使命. 独立, 信心, 同情, 协作, 和荣誉, 巧妙地结合, remain the formula for virtue and the foundation for permanence. 在未来的一个世纪里,这种情况将继续下去, 一个世纪的GA学生, 老师, 毕业生将会留下持久的印记.